Select Board Meeting

Past event
Apr 12, 2021, 6 to 9:15 PM

April 12, 2021
6:00 PM

For public health reasons, Select Board members will participate in the meeting by videoconference. Members of the public are urged to watch the meeting on Cat-TV or Cat-TV-Facebook. If one wishes to participate you may join the meeting as an Attendee using the webinar link listed: or call into the meeting Dial:1-646 558 8656 and enter Webinar ID : 832 8237 9280 and follow the prompts.

1. Vision Statement | 6:00 PM - 6:05 PM

2. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes of 3/22/21 and 4/1/21 | 6:05 PM - 6:10 PM
B. Warrants
C. Liquor Licenses

3. COVID Update-Dr. Trey Dobson and Megan Herrington | 6:10 PM - 6:25 PM

4. Ground Water Reclassification | 6:25 PM - 7:55 PM

5. Public Comment | 7:55 PM - 8:10 PM

6. Community Policing, Policy Procedures Review | 8:10 PM - 8:20 PM

7. VCDP Grant Resolutions (3) | 8:20 PM - 8:35 PM

8. Resolution-Electronic Payment Options | 8:35 PM - 8:45 PM

9. Manager's Report | 8:45 PM - 8:55 PM

10. Upcoming Agendas | 8:55 PM - 9:00 PM

11. Other Business | 9:00 PM - 9:10 PM

12. Executive Session
A. Litigation
B. Personnel

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