Ward 1&8 NPA Meeting Wednesday

Past event
Apr 14, 2021, 6:45 to 9 PM


Please Zoom in to our April NPA meeting next Wednesday. Housing, Parks, Trash, our NPA budget - it should be a rich conversation! And like every month, come tell your City Councilors and School Commissioners what's on your mind (that's why Bernie set these up!)

April 14, 2021 6:45 - 9:00 p.m.

Zoom online meeting
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 840 3612 3619
Or Telephone - Dial:
US: +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 840 3612 3619
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +19292056099,,84036123619#

6:45 Sign on to Zoom online meeting Waiting Room (See below if you have problems)

7:00 Announcements & Introductions

7:05 Speak-out

7:15 City Council Update & Q/A: Jack Hanson, Zoraya Hightower, Jane Stromberg

7:35 School Commission update: School Commissioners Aden Haji & Kathy Olwell

7:45 Burlington Parks & Rec: Diana Wood - future plans for the parks

8:10 Chittenden Solid Waste District: Lee Perry - recycling program

8:30 Fair Housing: Jessica Hyman

8: 50 Wards 1 & 8 Budget Update - options & approval for 20-21 expenditure

9:00 Adjourn

If you have any difficulties accessing the meeting before, during or after, please feel free to contact Jonathan Chapple-Sokol at (802.777.3521; leave a message if no answer) or chapplesokol.npasc@gmail.com and he will walk you through the process, and troubleshoot any issues. Want to watch the meeting but not be in direct attendance? Watch on Channel 17 YouTube. You will be able to watch the livestream, without logging into the Zoom. And, if you're unable to tune in during the Wednesday meeting you can access the recording there, too!

Bookmark this link to find our agendas, minutes, and supporting documents: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO/Ward-1-NPA-Agendas

Be well,

Tom Derenthal (Ward 1) tomd.npa@gmail.com
Carol Livingston (Ward 1) carol.livingston1951@gmail.com
Jonathan Chapple-Sokol (Ward 1) chapplesokol.npasc@gmail.com
Hannah King (Ward 8) kinghannah190@gmail.com
Consider joining us on the Steering Committee!

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