April 7 Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Apr 7, 2021, 7 to 9:35 PM

April 7, 2021

Due to closure of Hinesburg Town Hall

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 926 1687 2723
Passcode: 518451

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Link to meeting on Media Factory: https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg

You can also view on Comcast Ch.1084

1. Meeting Call to Order 7:00PM

2. Additions/Deletions/Public Comment 7:00PM

3. Town Manager Report 7:00PM

4. Selectboard Forum/Correspondence Received 7:05PM

5. Interview & Possible Appointment – Candidate for Zoning Administrator 7:15PM

6. Presentation & Discussion of Carse Land Company property 7:30PM

7. Review status of Wastewater Upgrade 7:45PM

8. Update on Drinking Water/New Well 8:00PM

9. Review FY22 Water & Wastewater Budget 8:05PM

10. Update on HFD & Ambulance Transport 8:15PM

11. Consider Approving Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) 8:35PM

12. Discuss Operating Guidelines for Orderly Conduct of Business 8:45PM

13. Review of FY21 Budget Status 9:00PM

14. Consider Approving Minutes from 3/17/2021 9:10PM

15. Consider Approving Warrants 9:15PM

16. Consider a Motion to Enter Executive Session Under Provisions of 1 V.S.A.§ 313(a)(1)(a)(2)&(a)(3) 9:20PM

17. Adjourn 9:35PM

Questions or comments during the live broadcast? Email selectboard@hinesburg.org and those questions or comments may be read during the meeting. All times are approximate. For meeting materials, please visit: http://www.hinesburg.org/selectboard/meeting_packet/

Contact the Interim Town Manager if you have questions: jdubingrossman@hinesburg.org; or 482-4207

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