Swanton Green Up Day, May 1, 2021, 8 a.m. to noon
Green Up Day is a wonderful community and family event that helps clean and beautify our town and village. Each year volunteers pick up hundreds of bags of trash from our roads and streets.
• Pick up green trash bags during the week at the entrance to the Town Clerk's office.
• Meet at the Village Complex after 8 am, May 1 for trash bags, an energy bar and work gloves if needed.
• Place filled bags into the Town Public Works truck parked at the Village Complex.
• Bags and larger trash items may be left on the roadside for later pick up by the Town Public Works Department.
• What to Wear: Work boots, heavy duty shoes, or similar; long pants (jeans or other heavy material); bright / light colored shirts; work gloves; jackets, hats, layers for weather; reflective items.
• Safety is always a concern when working alongside a busy road or intersection.
- Keep a First Aid Kit available
- Work with partners or teams, one side of the road at a time
- Keep volunteers and vehicles on the same side of the road,
- Prevent overexertion – take breaks, drink water
- Do not come in contact with hazardous waste (dead animals, needles, suspected toxic / hazardous materials). Report these to Swanton police.
- Groups with children should have two cars; one "lead" car ahead and one "follow" car, with children working in between.
- Apply sunscreen to exposed skin.
- Be tick smart – wear long sleeves and pants, use insect repellent, check for ticks
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