Owl Pellet Dissection at Home & VINS Virtual Owl Program

Past event
Apr 23, 2021, 10 to 11 AM

Owls and Their Calls: a Virtual Visit with VINS

Did you know that not all owls hoot? Join the Barton, Glover, Greensboro, and
Jeudevine Libraries for a one hour virtual program all about owls Friday, April 23, at 10 AM (school vacation week!) with the Vermont Institute for Natural Science (VINS)! This program includes live owls and an audible demonstration of the sounds of our local owls. Participants will learn the defining characteristics and adaptations for life as a nocturnal predator on the wing.

If you would like to dissect an owl pellet at home before the program, they will be available while supplies last.

Sign up to receive the Zoom link as well and/or an owl pellet with your local librarian:
Pam Kennedy (Barton) pamkenn@gmail.com
Toni Eubanks (Glover) toni.eubanks@gmail.com,
Diane Grenkow (Jeudevine in Hardwick) jeudevineyouthlibrarian@hardwickvt.org
Emily Purdy (Greensboro) greensborokids@gmail.com

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