The final Free Potato Donut Monday of 2021 is tomorrow morning, same time same place.
6:00-8:00 am or while supplies last in front of Dona's Car Store (near the taco truck) on Route 14/15.
It has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life to make and hand out these donuts on the freezing, drizzling, or blustery Monday mornings we've had since January 18th. At the beginning, I was kind of embarrassed, worried everyone would think I'm a weirdo. But turns out, ya'll get it. Thanks so much for all your enthusiasm, assistance, and contributions to this project!
I didn't know how many weeks we would do this but I hoped we'd do it until the sun returns and we have yellow daffodils poking up. We made it! I hope the season changing will carry on the cheer that's hard to find in the dark, cold months up here where we love to live. Best wishes to everyone, and if don't bump into you before, I hope to see you in the parking lot next year!
Speaking of that, shout out to Dona's Car Store for letting us use their parking lot all this time! And one more thanks to Just Cut for the generous supply of potatoes that made us hundreds of donuts: Many more individuals to thank. You know who you are. You rock.