Urgent: Attend the 550 Park /Wheeler Final Plat Application Hearing by the South Burlington Development Review Board (DRB) this coming Tuesday April 6, 2021, 7:00 PM
Interactive Online Hearing (audio & video), go to https://www.gotomeet.me/SBCity/drb-2021-04-06. Telephone (audio only): (872) 240-3212; Access Code: 140-378-485
HEADLINES: Traffic and pedestrian safety risks on Park Rd and the existing City Rec/Bike path, which would be cut into twice by proposed new road cuts * loss of trees * disruption of open space, natural site * contains ledge, proposed to be removed by blasting * and more.
This Final Plat Application by BlackRock (#SD-21-06) at 550 Park Road , is for land at the southeast corner of Dorset St. and Park Rd, aka the Wheeler Parcel. The City Council issued a pre-approval under the land swap agreement it entered into years ago to settle litigation. Now BlackRock seeks final DRB approval to build on just 6.9 acres with 32 homes (22 duplexes plus 10 family homes). A neighborhood coalition including 3 nearby HOA's plus other local residents have been working hard for months to study and communicate with both BlackRock and the Development Review Board (DRB). We do support well -spaced, well built, aesthetically pleasing, homes, including clusters, which do not create dangerous traffic and pedestrian safety issues. It is crucial that as many residents as possible attend this hearing to have an impact. Watch and, if you wish, speak briefly (3 min.)on a topic we identify or one especially important to you. There is always a chance that the project could be approved at a hearing like this. Or it might be continued again by the Board, or some other option. Our attendance matters!
Some major issues we identify: traffic and pedestrian safety risks; poor design/ aesthetics ; and density. Plus, now, BlackRock's proposal to blast through ledge rock. Its home designs have so far had ongoing critiques by the Board (e.g. described as "the storefront of a retail mall store"), and these buildings would be highly visible to everyone passing by on a major traffic artery. We feel strongly that the project:
▪ Would overdevelop and forever usurp a South Burlington rural area that features natural landscapes leading towards nearby Wheeler Park;
▪ Fails to adequately consider the safety of pedestrians and bikers on the adjacent rec path which would be cut into twice by the proposed new road;
▪ Relies on a traffic study commissioned by BlackRock which, despite residents' requests in advance, does not address Park Road's no-shoulder, sloping, often snow-blown, icy surfaces which send cars ( and even a snowplow!) off into the fields, especially in winter. Instead of pursuing Park Road accesses to this project, would the DRB could consider requesting the City to allow a new access point/curb cut a little further east directly from Dorset into the development?
▪ Estimates an extended 4-5 year construction time, possibly also in winter; and wants its construction site on the part of its new "Zoey" Drive, near one of the riskiest curves on Park Road, with car slideoffs into the fields a recurring problem;
▪ Requires ledge removal--- Recall last summer's extended weeks of BlackRock's noise from drilling, jack-hammering etc. to remove ledge at their development off Golf Course Rd , during Covid shutdowns with many at home. Even attempts by our City Planner, Paul Conner, to get promises of deadlines from BlackRock went largely unheeded.
▪ Now BlackRock proposes to use Blasting to remove ledge at the Wheeler parcel; yet so far the DRB has not had answers to many questions (e. g. How much ledge, where? How to be mitigated? Noise levels? Thankfully the DRB staff recommends that "this information should be provided and reviewed prior to closing the hearing." Furthermore, "Staff recommends the Board invoke technical review of the proposed ledge removal program." This may be a big step forward to protect the community. The Applicant adds a note : it "wants to blast the ledge on the property to reduce the timeline, noise and overall impact of the development construction on nearby property owners. If single trees are proposed to be saved around the site, it may inhibit blasting operations and require unnecessary more impactful means of ledge removal." How to react to this?
Questions? Email/call Marla Keene, Development Review Planner, mkeene@sburl.com, or 846-4106. Or contact interested neighbors. Myself, through the Forum, and John Bossange, 578-7468.
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