A fresh dance/theatre event by Vermont dance artists Christal Brown and Lida Winfield! The Middlebury Performing Arts Series presents SAME BUT DIFFERENT in a free virtual broadcast on Friday, April 2 at 7:30 PM.
This collaborative duet between two Middlebury College dance faculty members explores their similarities and differences in a cultural commentary on race, age, and gender. Both 42 years young and recently orphaned, Lida grew up in the North, while Christal grew up in the South. Both of them grew up in small towns. Lida is white, Christal is black. As children, Christal was considered a genius and Lida was labeled dumb. Now, they have both lived the rigors of being artists, professors, educators, and survivors of life.
FREE and open to everyone! The Friday night event will include a Q & A with the artists after the show. The concert will stay available online for 7 days.
Pre-register at https://www.middlebury.edu/college/arts/performing-arts-series/spring-2021-virtual-performan[...]ion
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