Guilford Egg Hunt at the Springs Farm

Past event
Apr 3, 2021, 10:15 to 11:45 AM

Guilford Egg Hunt at the Springs Farm
Saturday, April 3rd, 2021
🐰 Rain date: Sunday, April 4th 🐰
10:15 — Egg Hunt for up to Age 6
10:45 — Spring Parade and Spring Activities for All
11:15 — Egg Hunt for ages 7 and up

The Guilford Recreation Commission is sponsoring this first annual Guilford Egg Hunt at the Springs Farm on 49 Carpenter Hill Road (across from the Playscape and behind the Guilford Free Library). All are welcome to participate in this family friendly event. Please bring your own basket for the Egg Hunt.

•Toss an egg into a basket and win a prize!
•Guess how many jellybeans in the jar and win the jar of jellybeans!
•Take your photo with a giant painted bunny!
•Enjoy the newly born farm animals who will join the celebration!
•Bring an instrument and join the Spring Parade!

Registration is required.

Donations of plastic eggs and/or individually wrapped candy, stickers or toys are welcomed! Please place your donations in the labeled bin at the entrance of the Guilford Free Library no later than April 2nd at noon.
*Masks and Social Distancing required.
*Questions or comments can be directed to

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