Update - Brownsville Easter Week Services 2021

Past event
Apr 1, 12 AM to Apr 4, 2021

Update - Easter Week Services 2021
will be Live Streamed & In-Person 
And Other Brownsville Community Church News

Brownsville, Vermont    

People from near and far are accessing the Brownsville Community Church Sunday services via the church's Facebook page where the services are posted live and we welcome all to join us at https://www.facebook.com/brownsvillecommunitychurch/.

We're excited to announce for your information the Holy Week schedule at Brownsville Community Church.  We hope you will join us!

On Thursday, April 1st at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Maundy Thursday Service.

A Good Friday Stations of the Cross Service will take place on April 2nd at 2:30 p.m. 

NEW TIME & LOCATION!  A Sunday Sunrise Service on April 4th will start at 8:30 a.m. with an outdoor service at Ascutney Outdoors.

The Easter Sunday service follows at 9:30 a.m. at the Church.    

We are excited to partner with Ascutney Outdoors on Easter Sunday for the Sunrise Service!  There is no better way to enjoy God's creation and celebrate this blessed holiday locally than from this beautiful location!  Please join us outside on the mountain at 8:30 a.m. for this brief but very meaningful service. Thank you, Ascutney Outdoors!

In anticipation of high attendance at other indoor services, and in compliance with current COVID regulations, attendance needs to be limited at the services held inside the church including the

Easter Sunday 9:30 service.  Seating will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis and overflow will be accommodated in the Fellowship Hall with the service livestreamed on a large screen.  Masks and social distancing are required at all services for now.  According to Pastor Christian, "The church has weathered storms throughout its history.  This one is no different.  It challenges us to find new ways to connect and to be the hands and feet of Christ to our community."

The weekly Sunday services that start at 9:30 a.m. will continue to be available live online at https://www.facebook.com/brownsvillecommunitychurch/
for the foreseeable future. For those who would like to view past services, they can view them on the same BCC Facebook page. 

"During this time of unique circumstances, I will be offering you the chance for a midweek connection and worship opportunity.   Every Wednesday at 7 PM, I will lead a livestream Compline service.   A little before 7, the live stream will be there for you to watch.  If you do not have Facebook, you could join in with someone else who does."

Other opportunities to worship with us online and in person include Praise & Prayer on the 2nd Thursday each month from 6 – 7 PM and an Evensong service on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.    

To access past Sunday morning, Wednesday Evening Compline, Holiday, Praise & Prayer and Evensong services, please go to the BCC Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/brownsvillecommunitychurch/  

Anyone who would like to receive Sunday Service information weekly and/or special church announcements, can email bcchurchvt@gmail.com to be included on the list of recipients.

The Brownsville Community Church is located at 66 Brownsville-Hartland Road, between Albert Bridge School and the Brownsville Town Hall.  The mailing address is P. O. Box 176, Brownsville, VT 05037. The email address is bcchurchvt@gmail.com and you can visit the Brownsville Community Church at www.brownsvilleumc-vt.org.  

The BCC volunteers and staff thank all that continue to support the Brownsville Community Church so that the church's outreach & mission efforts during this challenging time can continue.  

Submitted by
Linda Ley

Brownsville Community Church
PO Box 176
66 Brownsville Hartland Road
Brownsville, Vermont 05037
Rev. Christian Huebner, Pastor

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