Southern Vermont Communications Union District (SoVT CUD)
Regular Meeting of the Governing Board via Teleconference
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM ET
Teleconference link:
Zoom meeting ID: 802 768 1791
Audio only: +1 646 558 8656
One tap mobile: +16465588656,,8027681791#
Technical difficulties:
Agenda: Items for discussion and potential decision
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Conflict of interest
4. Minutes
5. Public comments
6. Announcements: CUD Accelerator, Annual organizational meeting (May 12)
7. Broadband Innovation Grant: Feasibility study finalized, pivot to business plan
8. Legislative update
a. State: H.315, H.360
b. Federal: American Rescue Plan
9. Community outreach: Front Porch Forum partnership, web development
10.Treasurer's update
11.Cost to obtain services for capacity building: Doug Dawson, CCG Consulting
12.Cost to obtain services for IT: Google Workspace, ArcGIS
13.Clerk's update: Public records, data security/retention
14.Vendor updates:
a. Public-private partnership scenarios, potential decision
b. CCI discussions under NDA (Executive session if needed)
c. SpaceX NDA (Executive session if needed)
15.Other business
Public documents under consideration:
Executive sessions may be called under 1 V.S.A. § 313