Heavenly Food Pantry Distribution

Past event
Mar 25, 2021, 2 to 6 PM

The Heavenly Food Pantry is open this week!

On Thursday, March 25, from 2:00-6:00 p.m. residents of Essex, Essex Junction and Westford are invited to visit the Heavenly Food Pantry at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Essex Junction for its semimonthly distribution of food and hygiene items. Families in vehicles may enter via the Church Street driveway, where they will be guided to a spot for registration. Items will be placed in car trunks by volunteers who will be following CDC guidelines by wearing masks and keeping social distance.

Residences without vehicles but within walking distance of the pantry may borrow shopping carts to take food items home. If attending the pantry is not possible, families may call the Church office at 878-5745 any day from 8:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. to arrange delivery.

Food pantry distributions occur on the 2nd Monday and 4th Thursday of each month. The next distribution will happen on Monday, April 12, from 530-7:30 p.m.

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