Tunbridge Planning Commission - Legal Trails Meeting

Past event
Mar 24, 2021, 6:30 to 8 PM

The Tunbridge Planning Commission is hosting the final public information meeting regarding use of legal trails this Wednesday, March 24, from 6:30-8pm. This week we will be joined by two guest speakers, Tim Tierney from the state Agency of Commerce and Community Development and Carl Demrow, both of whom will discuss impacts of recreational opportunities on rural communities and considerations to make in policy decisions.

Additional letters from interested parties and more information regarding the legal trails discussion can be found on the Planning Commission page: http://tunbridgevt.org/planning-commission/

Join the meeting Wednesday at the Tunbridge Selectboard link: http://tunbridgevt.org/selectboard/

• Review informational updates to webpage
• Guest speakers, each with 15-20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes Q&A:
o Tim Tierney, Agency of Commerce and Community Development will speak about benefits of multi-use recreation on rural economies
o Carl Demrow will speak about important considerations to make when considering public use policy and multiple modes of transit
• Next steps overview – what to expect and how to remain engaged
o Trails walk for PC to gather information
o Information sharing with public before and at Town Meeting
o Survey out at Town Meeting

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