Vergennes City Council Meeting

Past event
Mar 23, 2021, 5:30 PM

March 23, 2021
5:30 p.m.

Remote Meeting Via Zoom
Join by Computer:
Join by Phone: Dial: 1 (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 561 577 976
Meeting Password: 1234
5:30 pm
1. Call to Order, Amendments to Agenda

2. Visitors

3. Approval of Minutes and Warrant* Minutes: (2/23), (3/1) & (3/9)

4. Citizens Comments (issues not otherwise on agenda)

5. Business a. Discussion regarding Council Meeting start time

b. Public Hearing for Vergennes Salt Shed Project. Presentation of Conceptual Plans: Otter Creek Engineering

c. Local Concerns Meeting, Vergennes Sidewalk Project STP BP19(6) on west side of Main Street between Macdonough Drive and Otter Creek Bridge. Presentation: Dubois & King, Addison County Regional Planning Commission

d. Zoning Fee Change Proposal, Peter Garon

e. Resolution to join the Addison County Communications Union District dba Maple Broadband and appointing a representative to the governing board. Presentation: Steve Huffaker, Chair, Maple Broadband

f. Request from Citizen's Review Board Exploratory Committee to affirm charge and reappoint members: Jon Kidde, Allison Rimmer, Mark Koenig, Cheryl Brinkman, Mabrouka M'Barek.

g. Appointments: a. Request to appoint Jeremy Holm, Matt Hawes to Parks and Recreation Committee for a term expiring March of 2022.

b. Appoint of Beverly Biello to the Board of Auditors for a term expiring March of 2023.

h. Recreation Committee Request to fund $7,250 cost for Environmental Permitting, Archeology and Engineering Costs for Vergennes Connector Trail project through Watershed Fund.

Presentation: Tim Cook, Parks & Recreation Committee.

6. Presentation by Congressman Peter Welch, time certain for 6:30 pm

7. Liquor License Renewals & Live Entertainment Licenses

8. Renewal of Outdoor Seating Agreements for 2021-24: 3 Squares Café, Antidote/Hired Hand, Black Sheep Bistro, Park Squeeze, Vergennes Laundry, and Rockers Pizzeria (New).

9. Renewal of Outdoor Seating Agreement for Hired Hand, 2021-22.

10. Request to approve VT Bond Bank Wastewater Revolving Loan Fund Amendment Agreement for purchase of additional CSO monitoring and investigative equipment for wastewater treatment facility, collection system. Amendment of $10,963 for new total loan amount of $229,545.

11. City Manager Report

12. Mayor Report

13. Executive Session re: appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee.

14. Adjournment

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