Sidewalk - McDonough Drive to Falls
Local Concerns Meeting
When: March 23, 2021 at 5:30PM
The Addison County Regional Planning Commission and the City of Vergennes, with technical assistance from consultant Dubois and King, invite the community to join in a discussion of the new sidewalk being planned for the north side of Main St. between McDonough Drive and the Otter Creek Falls. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain comments and concerns about the existing conditions related to pedestrian use from local residents and members of the public. The Local Concerns meeting will be held as part of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting.
The Local Concerns Meeting will be held on ZOOM on Tuesday March 23 at 5:30 PM. For anyone joining the ZOOM meeting online on their computer, click on this:
Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting by cell or landline phone should dial 1 (312) 626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID# 561 577 976 when prompted. The passcode is 1234.
Dubois and King is a consulting firm working with the Vergennes in accordance with a State of Vermont grant to assist with the project. Questions or comments should be addressed to the Municipal Project Manager, Mike Winslow, Addison County Regional Planning Commission, 802-578-9999 or