Talk: the Accidental Genealogist's Hinesburg Connection

Past event
Mar 20, 2021, 12 to 1:30 PM

Many years ago, Elise Guyette began researching an old and crumbled Black cemetery on Lincoln Hill in Hinesburg, VT. To discover who was buried there and the details of the community that surrounded it, she necessarily used the methodologies of various areas of study: History, geography, archaeology, and the like. She also discovered the processes of genealogy, learning as she went along. In 2010, her research resulted in Discovering Black Vermont: African American Farmers in Hinesburg, 1790-1870. In this talk, she details her experiences and the resources she used to uncover this previously unknown Black community in early Vermont.

Elise A. Guyette, historian, author, educator, holds two master's degrees and a doctorate from the University of Vermont. This talk will be using Zoom's webinar software, it is sponsored by the VT Genealogy Library and the class fee is $10.

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