Plainfield Select Board Meeting March 22

Past event
Mar 22, 2021, 7 PM

Plainfield Select Board Meeting
March, 22 2021, 7 PM

Participation only via electronic medium or by phone - information below

Agenda - times are approximate

7 PM Approval of/changes to agenda
7 PM Announcements
7:05 PM Public Comment
7:15 PM Town Clerk/Town Treasurer Report - Linda Wells including:
- Update re town meeting on April 6, 2021. Warning and Town Report may be accessed at Town website at
- approval of firehouse repair contract - Fire Chief Greg Light
- repair of municipal building roof
- authorization for Sasha to sign and submit FEMA Agreement #02140-32002MC-00, the Notice to Proceed, and the Financial Report Form #1 relating to grant funds for Brook Road Bridge replacement grant administration additional $2000 grant
- Approval of fleet permits:
Amerigas. Inc., Waterbiry VT
Connecticut Valley Trucking, Orford, NH
Curtis Lumber Co., Inc., Williston, VT
Darrell Matthews/Mathews Excavating, Waterford, VT
Gillespie Fuels & Propane, Inc., Northfield, VT
K Bellevance Landworks & Hauling, Barre, VT
McCollough Crushing, Inc., Middlesex, VT
N .A. Manosh, Inc., Morrisville, VT
Newton/Dubois Construction Inc., Middlesex, VT
Structural Wood Corporation, Waddington, NY
Trono Oil & Gas Inc., Barre, VT
Weston Pulpwood Sales, Inc., Essex Junction, VT
Additional fleet permits may also be considered for approval
- Approval of warrants
- Consideration of/approval of application for liquor license renewal by BAS, LLC DBA Fairways & Greens located at the Country Club of Barre
- Approval of minutes inc. January 5, 11, 12 and 19, February 11 and 19, and March 8
7:40 PM Route 2-Main Street Intersection Remediation project update - Tammy Farnham and also Melissa Rutter, Vtrans Utility Coordinator Supervisor - including
- Discussion of design cost for utilities and on how the Town should fund these design costs
7:55 PM Pedestrian Bridge project update including
- anticipated start of work Summer 2021 and construction period
- status of contract with Neil Daniels construction
- authorization of contract signing
- arrangements with VHB Engineering firm for resident engineer services during construction
8:10 PM Information about American Rescue Plan Act fund for towns - Sasha Thayer
- Plainfield allocation
- Possible infrastructure funds for other needs
8:20 PM - Followup on query re Town Meetnig articles relating to Australian balloting for future town meetings - Sasha Thayer
8:30 PM Update re Town Meeting Informational Hearings on March 18 and March 30 at 6:30 PM
- inc. Social Concerns ctee folks attending
8:35 PM COVID-19 Update, inc relating to manner of voting on April 6, 2021
8:40 PM Other business
8:50 PM Agenda's for upcoming meetings:
Agenda for April 13. 2021 Select Board Meeting
9 PM Adjourn

Zoom Meeting: Plainfield Select Board Meeting Time: Monday, March 22, 2021 at 7 PM
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