Green Up Vermont Day is next Saturday, May 3rd. The familiar green bags are now available for you to pick up at the Underhill, Vermont Town Hall, at the Underhill Country Store, the Wells Corner Market, and the Jacobs Family Market. (The largest quantity of bags can be found at the Town Hall.) I also have a few more bags -- if a particular location has run out, please let me know and I'll restock.
You may 'green up' any stretch of road that you like, and bring your filled bags to one of two locations between 9am and 2pm on Saturday the Town Garage on New Road, or to the fire station on Route 15. If you drop your bags at the fire station, the truck will be in the rear of the building in the corner near the memorial garden. Please do not park anywhere near the garage doors for the fire equipment, this area must be kept clear in case they get a call. Thank you for your cooperation!
There is NO ROADSIDE PICKUP for green bags, please bring your bags to one of these two locations.
Please remember that hazardous materials and used tires cannot be dropped off as part of Green Up Day efforts. Please check out the Chittenden Solid Waste District's website for information about how and where to dispose of these kinds of items.
Mar 9, 2025, 9 to 11 AM
EWSD Board Meeting March 11Mar 11, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
Free Morning Workouts at Waterbury Rec!Mar 12, 2025, 7:30 to 8:15 AM