Council Agenda March 15

Past event
Mar 15, 2021, 6:30 PM

Newport City Council Meeting
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 15, 2021, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The Municipal Building is Closed as part of the Stay Home/Stay Safe Measures
In Order to Participate Remotely:
Phone 1- (978) 990-5000 and enter PIN: 185354#
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using id: cityofnewportremote

City Council: Paul Monette, Mayor
Kevin Charboneau
Melissa Pettersson
John Wilson
Christopher Vachon
Laura Dolgin, City Manager
James D. Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer

1. Call the Regular Council Meeting to Order
2. The American Recovery Act, Congressman Peter Welch
3. Re-adopt Rules of Procedure, Vote
4. Approve Minutes of March 1, 2021 and the minutes of the Annual Meeting
of March 2, 2021
5. Comments by Members of the Public
6. Election of City Council President, Vote
7. Authorization to Sign Warrants 24 V.S.A. § 1623(a)(1), Vote
8. City Government Appointments, Vote

1.Cemetery Commission (3) f. Tree Warden
2. Recreation Committee g. Representative to NVDA (2)
3. Planning Commission & Historic Preservation h. Representative to NVEDD
4. Development Review Board i. Building Safety Officer
5. Health Officer

(Per Statute, No Longer Required: Town Services Officer, Fence Viewer x 3,
Grand Juror, Weigher of Coal, Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood, 24
V.S.A. § 87)

1. Planning Commission Resignation, Vote
2. RCDI Grant Application & Resolution, Vote
3. Five Year Capital Improvement Program Presentation
4. New Business
5. Old Business
6. Executive Session: Discussion of securing a real estate purchase or
lease option. 1 VSA 313(a)(2)
7. Set next meeting: Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting: April 5, 2021 @
8. Adjourn

Rebecca Therrien
Program Administrator
City of Newport
222 Main Street
Newport, VT 05855

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