Hi Neighbors,
This is just a reminder that the NPA will be meeting by Zoom tomorrow (Wednesday). Much of the meeting time will be given to the consultants hired by the Joint Committee to engage the community in a conversation about Public Safety. Please come to the meeting and speak out!!
The full agenda and Zoom coordinates are (you can always find them, and invitee's presentations here: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO/Ward-1-NPA-Agendas ):
Wards 1 & 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
March 10, 2021 6:45 - 9:00 p.m.
Zoom online meeting
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 840 3612 3619
6:45 Sign on to Zoom online meeting Waiting Room (See below if you have problems)
7:00 Announcements & Introductions
7:05 Speak-out
7:10 School Commission update: School Commissioner Aden Haji
7:15 Colchester Ave. Safety Study Update - Dave Cawley
7:20 City Council Update & Q/A: Jack Hanson, Zoraya Hightower, Jane Stromberg
7:45 City Assessment Update: John Vickery - City Assessor
8:15 Public Safety community input - Talitha Consults
9:00 Adjourn
Mar 4, 2025, 7 PM
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