"Modern society sits at the intersection of two crucial questions: What does it mean when artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly governs our liberties? And what are the consequences for the people AI is biased against? 'Coded Bias' follows MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini's startling discovery that many facial recognition technologies fail more often on darker-skinned faces. Buolamwini delves into an investigation of widespread bias in artificial intelligence and the person-made and machine-learned algorithms that drive it. As it turns out, AI is not neutral, and women are leading the charge to ensure our civil rights are protected."
If you were able to watch Coded Bias ahead of time ( https://sites.google.com/cvsdvt.org/coded-bias-vermont-screening/press-release ), please join us to discuss this timely and critically important film!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87643052497?pwd=azRLTnZsOWltQlVxdXZ2RE5XQUpmZz09#success
Meeting ID: 876 4305 2497 Passcode: 05089
Feb 16, 2025, 10 AM to 4 PM
Sharon Selectboard MeetingFeb 17, 2025, 6:30 PM
Sharon School Board Regular MeetingFeb 18, 2025, 5 PM