PFAS chemicals are dangerous chemicals that have turned up in drinking water in cities across the U.S. and in Vermont. They have been linked to several types of cancers. They are found in some food packaging, commercial household products such as teflon and water-repellent fabrics, and fire fighting foam used in military fire training areas.
The Women's International League For Peace and Freedom is offering a webinar called Combating Mlitary Poisons and Valuing Water. The one-hour webinar introduces people to our newly designed website, Military Poisons, which exposes connections between water, food, and health and military PFAS contamination. Register in advance at
After registering you will receive a confirmation email with instructions. Seating is limited to 100 registrants.
Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent Auction Time Correction!Mar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
VICA's Annual Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent AuctionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM