Workshop: Prevent Peer Aggression in Girls

Past event
May 29, 2014

TRANSFORMING PEER AGGRESSION IN GIRLS: Vermont Works for Women has designed an interactive, half-day workshop that teaches educators, administrators, youth service providers, coaches - all adults - how to identify, address and prevent peer aggression in girls.
We do not support the idea that this unhealthy, negative behavior among girls is a normal rite of passage. This workshop will help you: ·         understand the dynamics of peer aggression
·         learn & understand new strategies to implement
·         hear examples & case studies first-hand from young women
·         name & claim your own anxieties around dealing with peer aggression
·         discover news ways to create safe, girl-centered environments like VWW's Rosie's Girls & Dirt Divas programs

Thursday, May 29, 12:30-5 pm
College of Fine Arts, Noble Hall, 36 College St., Montpelier, VT
Cost: $50

Kelly Walsh, Director of Girls' Programs, Vermont Works for Women
Kathy Johnson, Gender Equity Coordinator, Vermont Works for Women; Principal,
Vermont Equity Training and Consulting


For more information: Kelly Walsh,
802.622.0400, ext 105;;

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