The Essex Planning Commission will meet (virtually) to review several applications for development. Available options to watch or join the meeting:
• Join via Microsoft Teams Depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio (below).
• Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 590 879 654 #
• Watch the live stream video on Town Meeting TV’s YouTube Channel.
• Town Meeting TV is aired on Comcast channel 1087 (channel 17 for other cable providers).
• Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here:
Agenda items include:
1. Public Comments
2. SKETCH-PUBLIC HEARING: Negesse & Juanita Gutema: Proposal for a 4-unit, 5-lot Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R) on a 37.8-acre parcel located at 137 Towers Road in the Agricultural-Residential (AR) & Low Density Residential (R1) zones. Tax Map 14, Parcel 39-11.
3. SITE PLAN AMENDMENT& BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT-PUBLIC HEARING: Jeff & Dawn Lyon d/b/a Kana Associates, LLC: Proposed 8-unit building addition to the existing 4-unit multi-family building; and dissolve boundary to combine 2 lots into a 24.1-acre lot, located at 1 & 5 Kana Lane in the Center (CTR), High-Density Residential (R3), & Business Design Control (B-DC) Overlay Districts. Tax Maps 57 & 10, Parcels 11 & 74.
4. SITE PLAN AMENDMENT-PUBLIC HEARING: Al Senecal, d/b/a A&C Realty, LLC: Proposal for two additional 20,000SF facilities, and other site improvements on a 57.8-acre lot located at 123 Old Colchester Road in the Industrial (I1) & Agriculture-Residential (AR) zones. Tax Map 95, Parcel 1-1.
5. Minutes: February 25, 2021
6. Other Business
The full agenda can be viewed on the Town's website:,&startDate=&endDate=&[...]or=
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