The packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following:
6:00 PM.....Adjustments to the agenda
6:05 PM.....Bid Opening for:
1. Ash Tree Removal
2. Town Mowing
3. Cemetery Mowing
4. Brush-hogging
6:15 PM.....Highway and bridges codes and standards; Annual Financial Plan
6:20 PM.....Trail permission forms
6:35 PM.....Approve the 'Sewer Use Rates' Fee Schedule Calculation Worksheet and 'User Connection Fees' Calculation Worksheet for administration of Article 9 of the Town of Charlotte Sewer Use Ordinance
7:00 PM.....Public Comment
7:05 PM.....2021 Liquor License Renewal Applications (to Selectboard acting as Liquor Control Board), May 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022:
First Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Malt and Vinous Beverages: Roland's Place, Inc., 3260 Greenbush Road
Second Class Liquor License to Sell Malt and Vinous Beverages: Tenney Enterprises, 76 Jackson Hill Road
Third Class Restaurant/Bar License to Sell Spirituous Liquors: Roland's Place, Inc., 3260 Greenbush Road
7:15 PM.....Correction to Article 3 of the Annual Town Meeting Ballot pursuant to 17 V.S.A. §2662
7:20 PM.....Conflict of Interest Policy
7:50 PM.....Salary Administration Policy—Gallagher, Flynn & Co. recommendations
8:20 PM.....Appoint Larry Lewack as Acting Administrative Officer, Acting Sewage Control Officer and Acting E-911 Coordinator
8:35 PM.....Refund Mark Amblo for zoning permit application fees of $530 for solar installations less than 15 kW (which are exempt from local permitting)
8:40 PM.....Process for reappointing board/committee/commission members
8:45 PM.....Minutes: March 1, March 4
8:50 PM.....Selectboard updates
8:55 PM.....Approve warrants to pay bills
9:00 PM.....Adjournment
Dec 15, 2024, 2 PM
Santa Visit - CVFRSDec 15, 2024, 4:30 PM
Bristol Core Board MeetingDec 19, 2024, 9 to 10 AM