Virtual Training: Bias & the Brain Mar. 10, 6-7:30pm

Past event
Mar 10, 2021, 6 to 7:30 PM

Hey Neighbors! I'm hosting another donation-based virtual racial equity training on Bias and the Brain next Wednesday, March 10th, from 6-7:30 pm.

Using a blend of lecture, self-reflection, and conversation-based learning modules, this session focuses on learning how our brains function as a support system for bigoted and biased thinking. The session begins with a self-guided activity on bias that exposes how brain patterns are created and reinforced. Participants will then reflect upon the influences that have led them to their current belief systems. This leads to information about Nobel-prize winner Daniel Kahneman's theory around fast and slow thinking. A series of scenarios, questions, and reflections allow participants to learn at their own pace in their preferred method. The session concludes with some tips and techniques for interrupting bias and reframing brain function to improve understanding of the impact of race in the workplace, home, and wider world.

In order to make this workshop accessible for everyone, I am asking folks to donate according to their financial ability--**a portion of all donations will be shared with the People's Kitchen**. That being said, times are hard and no one interested in learning will be turned away. There will be no limit on participants for this workshop, but PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP if you are not sure you will be able to attend! Having an accurate head count allows me to better facilitate these workshops.

This workshop was developed as part of a 3-month long equity series that I created and hosted in collaboration with the Maine Resilience Building Network last fall. A recent participant for this workshop series said, "I found [the workshop to be] incredibly valuable and thought-provoking. You are a wonderful facilitator, the scenarios and discussion were great, and the take-aways felt clear. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity. Thank you for the work you do."

In order to register for the workshop, please fill out this google form by 3/9 10 pm:

I will be sending out a Zoom link to registered participants the day of the workshop.

Please feel free to share! Thank you,

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