Last Chance! March 3 DRB Public Hearing, Wheeler Parcel

Past event
Mar 3, 2021, 7 PM

SAVE THE DATE! Wed. March 3, 2021, 7:00 PM. This is a public Interactive DRB Online Meeting (audio & video). Go to , Or by phone only: (408) 650-3123; Meeting Access Code: 872-455-269

The hearing concerns BlackRock Construction's Final Plat Application, the last stage of seeking approval to build a residential development at 550 Park Rd (# SD 21-06) , aka the Wheeler Parcel.

If you think that 32 homes (mostly duplexes, some single-family homes) are a lot to be packed into just 6.9 acres at the busy intersection of Park Rd. and Dorset St., you're in good company. A coalition of residents in the Vermont National Golf Course neighborhoods are challenging this proposal, which we believe is highly dense and visible, usurps natural fields, creates traffic safety hazards on Park Rd, and inserts 2 new risky road cuts into Park that cross the existing Rec/bike path.

Duri previous application stages, and back about a decade to the controversial "land swap, " residents have communicated concerns in writing and conversation. But this final application is a far cry from addressing them. Here I focus on traffic safety and construction process concerns.

It's surprising that a development referred to as "550 Park Road" almost completely omits the important safety concerns all along Park Rd. itself and the popular city Rec/Bike running closely alongside it, near Wheeler Park. This section of Park between Dorset and Golf Course Roads is narrow, without a center line, no lighting, winding, curvy, sloping. (BlackRock's submitted, commissioned traffic study erroneously states a slope measurement of Park Rd as "Zero" which is puzzling, considering its steep gradations which should figure into the safety analysis. In late fall and winter seasons, Park is known to have icy conditions with blowing snow and mounds of plowed snow. (The study BlackRock submitted occurred in the fall of 2020, rather than in winter.) Also, we find no qualitative evidence submitted of any observations or interviews with people who have actually been daily users of Park, some for as at least 20 years.

Neighbors can testify (and have, in Public Comments) that in wintry and windy conditions, cars can and do skid at times off into the fields on both sides. Road speeds are posted but are often exceeded , sometimes surpassing recommended braking distances. Additional residents from 550 Park , whether driving, walking, biking, skateboarding, etc. will go not only west towards Dorset but also east toward the golf course using the existing Rec/bike path that run closely parallel to Park. Will Park in its current configuration be able to handle all these safely?

We previously sent such concerns to, and discussed them with, a BlackRock official, as well as the DRB. Yet still we see no mention of topics such as needed signage, warning lights, perhaps streetlights for this dark section of Park? Assessment of its lack of shoulders? If these or other infrastructure needs are found, who would pay—e.g. the City (our taxes) or the developer? BlackRock proposes building a new, semi-circular road ("Zoey Circle") to enter and exit from two points on Park Rd . It would intersect twice with Park areas that are especially risky in winter weather because of slopes, wind, curves, and snow piles. Also, Zoey Circle would cross the existing So. Burl Rec/Bike path where it parallels Park Road, going from Dorset street to Golf Course Rd. However, the final plat application does not address the dangers of twice interrupting the Rec/bike path nor any feasible mitigations. We feel that a new, independent travel study should be required.

As for the construction process itself, some questions. The applicant has asserted that construction will last for five years, from 2021-2026. Is this still the case; if not, what are the dates? Have they submitted a schedule and explanation for an extended duration? Will the schedule be independently monitored? A long or stop -and -start duration would disrupt Park Rd and the neighboring streets that flow into it, with noisy construction vehicles and likely delays and detours.

You may recall the extreme noise of last summer's month-long drilling and jack-hammering all day when BlackRock removed ledge from their nearby "Long Drive" development? This was during the COVID-19 lockdown, with many home from work and school, forced to listen. The builder repeatedly stated and then altered its own goals for completion. Now at 550 Park, a map saying "KNOWN LEDGE OUTCROPPINGS ON PROPERTY" appears, spread over an indistinct area. Where? How much? When might such work be scheduled? Any mitigation? Any monitoring?

To follow these and other matters, please attend the March 3 public hearing and let your voice be heard. Questions? Call Marla Keene, Deveolment Planner, at the DRB, 846-4106. To contact interested neighbors, you may contact me at, or John Bossange, 578-7468.

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