JTL Middle Eastern Recipe Chat This Week!

Past event
Feb 25, 2021, 7 PM

Join Jericho Town Library this Thursday, 2/25 at 7:00 pm to chat about all the wonderful Middle Eastern recipes we tried this month: pita bread & tzatziki, mujadara, hummus, and tabbouleh. All are welcome, even if you didn't get a chance to make these recipes. We can't wait to hear how it went for you! Link to join here: https://zoom.us/j/92231398919?pwd=SzVMRGZ3SEVSZUVGYmtVZlJRaSsrdz09

This is the last week of our "tour" of the Middle East! Our recipe this week is tabbouleh, and there will be craft kits in the entryway on Thursday. You can access the weekly recipe and read more about Around the World in 2021, our new extended reading program, on our website: https://www.jerichotownlibraryvt.org/around-the-world-in-2021

In other news: every year on Town Meeting Day, Jericho Town Library has a book sale where community members can purchase a book for the library. Since Town Meeting is happening differently this year, our Adopt-A-Book Sale is too! Click here to see the list: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/3ABYPT3BOE15S/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl

When you purchase a book directly from that list, your order will be shipped directly to us. To get the most bang for your buck, make sure you've selected Jericho Town Library as your sponsored charity on Amazon Smile! If you'd like your book to bear a nameplate honoring your donation, please add a gift message to your order and include your name.

And if you choose to support a bookseller other than Amazon, just let us know which books you purchased so we can check them off the list! Thank you so much for your support as we strive to keep our collection current, comprehensive, and exciting. We are eager to share all these new books with you!

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