Feb. 24 New North End NPA Meeting

Past event
Feb 24, 2021, 7 to 9 PM

Hello neighbors,

Our Wards 4 and 7 NPA Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 24th. Here's the agenda and log in information - we look forward to seeing you!

6:45-7:00 Sign In (with your name and ward. see below)
7:00-7:10 Announcements & Introductions
7:10-7:45 Elected Officials
7:45-8:10 Dept of Public Works
8:10-8:35 City Place Update
8:35-9:00 Burlington School District
9:00 Adjourn

When you log into Zoom, please set your display name to include your name and the Ward you're from. (If you're unsure what your display name is, just click the Zoom icon to open up your Zoom account, go to My Profile, and update your Display Name to have your full name and your ward.)


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