The Town of Barre seeks community input on a potential, new, town-owned, natural area with walking paths between Lague Lane and Camp Street. If you completed the survey, thank you!
This matter will be on the Selectboard's regular meeting agenda on Tue Feb 23. The Selectboard meeting starts at 8:05pm; this topic is likely to begin around 8:30pm. Join by videoconference here:[...]%7d
To join the meeting by phone, call (802)477-1200, and enter participant code 489078.
Questions? Call the Barre Town Offices at (802)479-9331 and ask for Elaine Wang.
Mar 9, 2025, 9:30 to 11:30 AM
Barre Unified Union School District Board MeetingMar 12, 2025, 6 PM
Tabletop RPG at the LibraryMar 15, 2025, 11:30 AM to 2 PM