The 2021 Calais Town Meeting will not be held as a public gathering due to the pandemic. The Vermont Legislature passed bill H. 48 into law, permitting municipalities to adjust Town Meeting procedures for this year. The Calais Selectboard approved Calais registered voters to vote all Articles for the March 2, 2021 election by Australian ballot.
On Saturday, February 20, 2021, starting at 1:00 pm, a Public Informational Hearing will be held online via Zoom and telephone. Voters will have a chance to discuss and ask questions about Articles appearing on the Calais Town ballot. The Warning and Agenda for this meeting are on the Calais website ( and posted at the Maple Corner Community Store and East Calais Post Office.
This meeting is for the Town Warning only, and will not cover Articles on the WCUUSD school ballot. Warned Articles cannot be changed and will not be voted on during the Informational Meeting. All voters have been mailed a Calais Town ballot with instructions and a pre-addressed return envelope.
You can submit questions regarding the Warned Articles in advance to this email address By submitting your questions in advance, it will assist us in being prepared with answers. We will also take questions during the Informational meeting.
If you need individualized assistance using Zoom, please send your request to this same email address (above), or check out these Helpful Links:
Joining and Participating in a Zoom Webinar as an Attendee:
Joining a meeting by phone (landline):
Significant time and effort has been devoted to planning for and making this informational hearing accessible and open to the public. We appreciate your patience, should we encounter technical difficulties.
We will miss seeing everyone in person and enjoying lunch together. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom.
PLEASE NOTE: Attendees do not need to download the Zoom app to join the meeting. You can join by simply clicking on the invite link below.
Zoom meeting invite:
Join Zoom Meeting Connecting by Computer:
Meeting ID: 845 9575 2414
Passcode: 644521
By Phone:
+1 929 205 6099 US
Meeting ID: 845 9575 2414
Passcode: 644521
Mar 5, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
Ballroom Waltz Lesson 4 + PracticeMar 5, 2025, 4:15 to 6:15 PM
Storytime & PlaygroupMar 6, 2025, 11 AM to 12:30 PM