Virtual Public Informational Hearing

Past event
Feb 22, 2021, 6 to 7 PM


The Select Board for the Town of Bolton will hold a Virtual Public Informational Hearing (by electronic means) on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 6 p.m. to discuss Australian ballot articles 01 – 06 on the 2021 Town Meeting Warning. Reminder: There is NO IN-PERSON Town Meeting in 2021.

Information on how to access the Virtual Public Informational Hearing is available at:

If you wish to make a public comment or submit a question prior to the Virtual Public Informational Hearing, contact the Town Office at 434-5075, or email prior to 4 p.m. om Monday, February 22, 2021.

To ensure smooth access, we recommend that you test your virtual software in advance of the hearing. If you have difficultly accessing the hearing and need assistance, or have no access and have questions you would like forwarded during the hearing, please call 434-5075 or 434-3064 extensions 224 OR 225, or email


· 6:00 p.m. Call to Order – Select Board Chair, Leslie Pelch, Moderator & Host
· Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
· Public Comment (not related to agenda items)
· Presentation of the Good Citizen of the Year Award
· Select Board Presentation on Articles 01-06
· Review and Discuss Article 0I: Shall the voters of the Town of Bolton vote a budget of $1,110,774 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town?
· Review and Discuss Article 02: Shall the voters of the Town of Bolton vote to pay the real and personal property taxes to the Town Treasurer in four (4) installments with due dates of September 15, 2021; November 15, 2021; February 15, 2022; and May 16, 2022?
· Review and Discuss Article 03: Shall the voters of the Town of Bolton authorize the Select Board to add a one quarter cent (1/4¢) addition to the tax rate to support the Conservation Fund?
· Review and Discuss Article 04: Shall the voters of the Town of Bolton authorize the purchase or lease of a "Rescue Vehicle" (for the transport of rescue equipment) for the Bolton Fire Department, price not to exceed $150,000 to be financed over a period not to exceed ten years?
· Review and Discuss Article 05: Shall the voters of the Town of Bolton authorize the purchase or lease of a Tandem Dump Truck for the Bolton Highway Department, price not to exceed $150,000, to be financed over a period not to exceed ten years?
· Review and Discuss Article 06: To elect all town officers as required by law
· Motion to Adjourn Hearing

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