Glover Enhanced Energy Plan - Public Hearing March 8

Past event
Mar 8, 2021, 7 PM

Town of Glover
Notice of Public Hearing

There will be a virtual public hearing of the Glover Planning Commission on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:00 pm regarding adoption of the Glover Enhanced Energy Plan. The Enhanced Energy Plan is an amendment to the Glover Town Plan which was duly adopted in July 2019.

The hearing will be held via Zoom and can be accessed by internet using the link:

Or by telephone: dial 1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 319 515 7183

The Plan consists of the following elements:
Section I - Analysis of Energy – Use, Generation, and Distribution
Section II – Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures: Goals and Objectives
Section III – The Siting of Renewable Energy Generation
Section IV - Maps

If adopted and certified, Glover Town Plan would receive "substantial deference" in Public Utility Commission proceedings for reviewing proposed renewable energy projects. To achieve substantial deference, the proposed amendment supports policies to attain the goals of the State's 2016 Comprehensive Energy Plan:
• Meet 90% of all energy needs from renewable resources by 2050;
• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 50% below 1990 levels by 2028 and 75% by 2050;
• Improve the energy efficiency of 25% of homes by 2025; and
• Establish a distributed energy future in which a significant portion of Vermont's energy is produced near where it is consumed.
The plan presents estimates of town-wide energy use in the thermal (space and water heating), transportation, and electric utility sectors. The plan also establishes targets for weatherization and fuel switching in support of the "90 by 2050 goals."

The plan does not specifically affect any particular geographic area of the town.

The text of the Glover Enhanced Energy Plan can be found on the town website: . Look in the RECENT POSTS at the left side of the page.
Printed copies are available at the Town Clerks office, but please call ahead and make an appointment before coming to the office.

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