Virtual Presentation of Summer Bulbs
Friday, February 19 at 1:30PM A not to miss opportunity for all. Richmond's Own Kathleen LaLiberte will be presenting Summer-Blooming Bulbs for Your Yard and Garden. "Could your garden use a boost of color during August and September? Learn how lilies, glads, dahlias, cannas, elephant ears, eucomis and others can energize your late summer flower garden."
Join us for the second virtual presentation (of a three-part series) sponsored by the Community Senior Center. Kathleen is an avid gardener, horticulturist and garden writer. She was one of the founders of Gardener's Supply and now works with Kathleen's gardens in Richmond have been evolving for 35 years and now cover almost 2 acres. Contact to get the link. (If you have the link from Kathleen's Friday, February 12th program on Spring Bulbs you are all set—but we are very happy to send again.)
Mar 3, 2025, 7 to 10 PM
Annual Starksboro Chili Cook OffMar 8, 2025, 11 to 11 AM
March Climate & Ecology Book Club MeetingMar 10, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM