Monday Chat with City Council Candidate Jim Duncan

Past event
Feb 15, 2021, 7 to 8 PM

Hi Neighbors!
Mix a bit of local issues discussion into your Presidents Day by joining me for a chat about my candidacy Monday night, 2/15, at 7pm

Join a virtual chat by computer or phone to learn about the work I hope to do on supporting families, affordable housing and taxes, equity and racial justice and our environment, and share your hopes and priorities for the City.

You can see the full event details at or use the connection information below. I hope to chat with some of you soon!

Meeting ID: 894 5668 8968
Passcode: 1UjwFN

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,89456688968#,,,,*434842# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 894 5668 8968
Passcode: 434842

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