Greensboro Free Library, Jeudevine Memorial Library and Cabot Public Library are co-hosting a virtual Zentangle workshop with Ohio artist and Certified Zentangle Teacher Katy Abbot on Sunday, March 7, from 2:00-4:00. The workshop is free, but we are asking everyone to register early (by next Thursday, February 18) so we can order supply kits, and we ask those who can to contribute $5 towards the cost of a kit. We will provide the kits for pickup and the Zoom link in early March.
Zentangle® is an easy-to-learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from structured repetitive patterns, called tangles. The method, or art form, is used to increase focus and creativity, and for mindfulness practice and stress reduction. It has been called a form of artistic meditation, as the creator becomes engrossed in drawing each pattern. More information can be found at the website Tangling can be enjoyed by a wide range of skills and ages, and non-artists are welcome and encouraged to participate. This workshop, with its 2-hour time-frame, is best for ages 12 and up. During this Zoom class, participants will learn what the Zentangle method is all about and how to tangle, acquiring skills for future creations. Instructor Katy Abbott is a long-time crafter and has exhibited and sold numerous glass bead ornaments and jewelry items. She has been a Certified Zentangle Teacher since 2012, and has taught several Zentangle workshops in the past year for libraries in her home state of Ohio.
To register for the workshop, please e-mail or call one of the libraries by Tuesday, March 2: GFL at 533-2531 or, Jeudevine at 472-5948 or, or CPL at 563-2721 or
Paula Davidson
Library Director
Greensboro Free Library
2021 WINTER HOURS: TUESDAY 10-7, THURSDAY 10-5, FRIDAY 10-5, SATURDAY 10:00-2:00, SUNDAY 11:30-1:30.