The Pedestrian Bridge Project has long been of interest to our community. We're having a Special Select Board Meeting tonight at 6:30 PM to provide folks with information about the history of the project, its current status, the design, costs, change in cost, and more. And we're interested in hearing from you as well. Here's our agenda for Thursday evening:
Plainfield Special Select Board Meeting
Febuary 11, 2021, 6:30 PM
Participation only via electronic medium or by phone - information below
Agenda - times are approximate
6:30 PM Approval of/changes to agenda
6:30 PM Announcements & explanation of the purpose of the meeting
6:35 PM Pedestrian Bridge Project update - Tammy Farnham
- Nature of project as coordinated with the Rte 2-Main Street Intersection Reconstruction Project
- Town expenditures to date for project
- Bid process and bids received
- Financial cost to town for completion of project
- Financial cost to town for abandonment of project
- Alternatives for meeting Town financial obligations for Pedestrian Bridge Project
Town meeting Article re Pedestrian Bridge Project - Sasha Thayer
- Discussion of issue of whether or not to include an Article on the Town Meeting warning relating to how/whether to proceed with the Pedestrian Bridge Project
- If Article for Town Meeting warning is the best approach, decision re the text of such an article
Public Comment and questions will be welcomed throughout this presentation and discussion - please raise your hand in Zoom
8 PM Executive session pursuant to 3 VSA 313 - start time is approximate, may be earlier if Pedestrian Bridge Project discussion concludes earlier
8:30 PM Adjourn
Zoom Meeting: Plainfield Select Board Meeting
Time: February 11, 2020 6:30 PM
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