Informational Meeting

Past event
Feb 27, 2021, 9 AM


The Selectboard of the Town of Starksboro will hold a public informational hearing by electronic means on Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 9:00 am to review and discuss the Australian ballot articles on the 2021 Starksboro Town Meeting Warning. Reminder that all articles will be voted on by Australian Ballot on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 and polls will be open from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm at Robinson Elementary School.

Information on how to access the remote hearing:

Ø By telephone: Dial + 312 626 6799 OR +1 929 436 2866.
o When prompted enter the webinar ID: 847 9610 8442
o Passcode: 7265423521

Ø By computer: Download Zoom meeting software
Join meeting by clicking here o Passcode: Stark#2021

Ø iPhone one-tap access: US: +13126266799,,84796108442#,,,,*7265423521# or +19294362866,,84796108442#,,,,*7265423521#

Please review our "Informational Handout for Remote Public Hearings" to understand how these electronic hearing will be managed. If you wish to make a public comment but do not have the ability to comment remotely during the meeting, please email your comment(s) to Cheryl or Rebecca at or

To ensure smooth access, we recommend that you test your Zoom software in advance of the meeting. If you have difficultly accessing the hearing, please call 802-453-2639 or email


• 9:00am: Call to Order by the Selectboard

• 9:01am: Additions or deletions to the agenda per 1 VSA 312 (d)(3)(a)

• 9:02am: Moderator will review hearing guidelines and rules of order
o Public comment

• 9:07am: Robinson School and Legislative updates: Principal Edorah Frazer, Representative Caleb Elder, Representative Mari Cordes, Senator Christopher Bray and Senator Ruth Hardy
o Public comment

• 9:35am: Acknowledgement of retiring town officials

• 9:45am: Review and discuss Article 1: To elect Town Officers and Mount Abraham Unified School District Officers for the ensuing terms.
- Moderator, 1 year Planning Commission, 3 years
- Town Clerk, 3 years Cemetery Commission, 3 years
- Treasurer, 3 years Cemetery Commission 3 years
- Selectperson, 2 years Library Trustee, 3 years
- Selectperson, 3 years Library Trustee, 2 years
- Auditor, 3 years Library Trustee, 2 years
- Lister, 3 years First Constable, 1 year
- Delinquent Tax Collector, 1 year Second Constable, 1 year
- Planning Commission, 3 years Mount Abraham Unified School Director, 3 years
o Public comment

• 9:55am: Review and discuss Article 2: Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to appoint a town treasurer as provided in 17 V.S.A. § 2651f?
o Public Comment

• 10:05am: Review and discuss Article 3: Shall the voters of the town accept the Auditors' Report of the year ending June 30, 2020?
o Public comment

• 10:10am: Review and discuss Article 4: Shall the voters of the Town of Starksboro vote the following sum of money for the proposed FY 21-22 General Fund Budget, being expenses of $1,008,311 less receipts of $259,267, less the FY19-20 carry over surplus of $41,276, for an amount of $707,768?
o Public comment

• 10:20am: Review and discuss Article 5: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sum of money for the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund, being $51,239?
o Public comment

• 10:25am: Review and discuss Article 6: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sum of money for the Road Equipment Reserve Fund, being $101,158?
o Public comment

• 10:30am: Review and discuss Article 7: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sum of money for the Paving Reserve Fund, being $40,000?
o Public comment

• 10:40am: Review and discuss Article 8: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sum of money for the Starksboro Public Library to fund the costs of its operations for FY 21-22, being $35,375?
o Public comment

• 10:45am: Review and discuss Article 9: Shall the Town of Starksboro raise, appropriate and expend the sum of $4,400 for the support of Richmond Rescue, Inc. to provide ambulance service to portions of the Town of Starksboro?
o Public comment

• 10:50am: Review and discuss Article 10: Shall the Town of Starksboro raise, appropriate and expend the sum of $1000 for the support of Turning Point Center of Addison County to provide peer-based substance abuse recovery and support to residents of Addison County?
o Public comment

• 10:55am: Review and discuss Article 11: Shall the Town of Starksboro raise, appropriate and expend the sum of $250 for the support of the Vermont Family Network to support all Vermont children, youth and families, especially those with disabilities or special health needs?
o Public comment

• 11:00am: Review and discuss Article 12: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sums of money for the listed In-Town requests?

• 11:10am: Review and discuss Article 13: Shall the voters of the town vote the following sums

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