5:00 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Middlesex Town Clerk's Office
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
Amended AGENDA
Due to public health concerns over COVID-19, the Select Board is holding its meetings via Zoom for the foreseeable future. In order to listen to and participate in this public meeting, please see instructions below. ** If you encounter problems accessing the meeting, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 802-223-5915.
5:00 PM Call to Order/Amendments/Welcoming guests
5:05 Considering a letter of support nominating the Middlesex Planning Commission for the Vermont Planners Association Citizen Planning Board of the Year. Action likely.
5:15 Considering approval of a 1st and 3rd class Vermont Liquor License application submitted by The Filling Station on US Route 2. Action likely.
5:20 EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board may vote to enter executive session to conduct interviews for municipal bookkeeper under 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a) (3).
Action unlikely.
5: 40 Adjournment
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