The "Un-official Start of Spring."
The arrival of spring (sort of) means it is time to swap out the old for the new. The 3rd annual Vermont Gear Swap and Clothing Sale returns on Saturday, April 26 to the historic Monitor Barn in Richmond from 9:00 - 3:00. The event will feature new gear from Outdoor Gear Exchange, CC Outdoor Store, Green Mountain Club and Ibex Clothing. There will also be plenty of used gear for sale, swap or consignment. All money raised will benefit the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps and the Burlington Sunrise Rotary. Live music from the Longford Row - one of Vermont's most popular bands. Check for complete details and a full schedule of where to drop off you gear if you want to sell or swap. See you at the Barn on April 26th!
- If you have any outdoor gear (tents, packs, sleeping bags, stoves, snowshoes, etc.) that you are not using anymore, or wish to upgrade, consider donating or consigning - you'll get 80% of the sale or 100% towards another purchase.
- Clothing sells quickly: Go through your closets and lighten your load. Coats, fleece, soft shells, hats, mittens, etc. Nearly everything went last year.
- Please: no skis, snowboards or used footwear. It just does not sell at this event.
- Find us on Facebook:
- Full details:
Thomas Hark,
Mar 10, 2025, 7:30 to 9 PM
Shelburne March 11 Age Well St. Patrick's Day LuncheonMar 11, 2025, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Book ChatMar 12, 2025, 3 to 4 PM