Hi all,
The monthly meeting of the Northfield Planning Commission is Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting is being held remotely using the town's GoToMeeting account.
I. Roll Call
II. Set/Adjust Agenda
III. Public Participation
IV. Northfield Energy Committee joint meeting with PC: Implementation of the energy policies of the Northfield Town Plan.
V. Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission: Planner Clare Rock to discuss review of Northfield Zoning Regulations for potential updates and changes needed.
VI. Zoning Bylaw review: Articles I & II of 2016 zoning regulations [if time allows].
VII. Update from ZA on Permitting and Projects
VIII. Approval of Minutes: January 6, 2021
IX. Next Regular Meeting: March 3, 2021
X. Adjournment
A link to the meeting can be found on the town website under Upcoming Events.
Please feel free to participate.