UVM is threatening to shut down departments and programs from Religion to Geology with dubious financial logic and no real consultation with faculty and students affected.
Come to a teach-in Wednesday, February 3, 9 am – 5 pm (you can come and go to any of the 1/2-hour sessions) where UVM students and faculty show how the firing of three instructors and the planned elimination of the three departments and more than 25 majors, minors, and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences will seriously damage the University's reputation and ability to serve the people of Vermont.
The event will spotlight the value of threatened teachers and fields of study and reveal the truth about the artificial "structural deficit" in the College of Arts and Sciences. Speakers include the senior lecturers who have been terminated and faculty and students from the departments—Classics, Geology, and Religion—slated for closure.
The teach-in will be livestreamed and live-captioned on the UVM United Against the Cuts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/VSjVQKL-TKI
For more information and the full schedule of teach-in classes and speakers, visit uvmunited.org or write uvmunitedagainstthecuts@gmail.com.
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