Join Zoom Meeting
Computer/tablet/smartphone -
Meeting ID: 872 6524 2606 Password: hahc123
Dial in by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (long distance number – charges may accrue depending on your calling plan)
Email Carl Bohlen (Chair of Hinesburg Affordable Housing Committee) at if you have difficulty connecting at meeting time.
Estimated times
1. Call to order /Public Comment 7:00 PM
2. Additions/Deletions to agenda 7:00 PM
3. Introductions 7:05 PM
4. Update on Accessory Apartment video project 7:15 PM
5. Update on Meadow Mist IZ Affordable Unit Marketing Plan 7:25 PM
6. Update on listing of affordable units on town website 7:35 PM
7. Leads on/recruitment of HAHC member 7:40 PM
8. Future meeting plan and topics 7:45 PM
9. Approve Minutes from January 6 7:45 PM
10. Adjourn
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