Mt Abe PTO is hosting an E-Cycle event on Sunday 5/18/14 at Martin's Hardware in Bristol. Bring in your old TV's, computers, laptops, small kitchen appliances, microwaves, dvd players, cable boxes and more, take anything with a cord, except large appliances, no washing machines, stoves, dryers or refrigerators. More details to come but mark calendar. Drop off items at Martins Hardware the day of the event. Free of charge, GoodPoint of Middlebury is on site to take the items for recycling. The event benefits the Mt Abe PTO and the students of Mt Abe for enrichment programs at the school. Drop off of items is free. Time to clean the closet - well maybe the house.... Call me at 8024880266 with any questions, Terry Payea
Feb 28, 2025, 2 to 3 PM
Winter as TeacherFeb 28, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
Locals Night at Lincoln Peak VineyardFeb 28, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM