Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Meeting, Norton

Past event
Feb 3, 2021, 6:30 PM

The Town of Norton is holding a public meeting to discuss its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The meeting is Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 6:30 pm and can be attended through zoom:


Meeting ID: 853 9442 4020
Passcode: 061310
Or call in by phone: 1-929-205-6099

Hazard mitigation planning is the process used by the state and local leaders to understand risks from natural hazards and develop long-term strategies that will reduce the impacts of future events on people, property, and the environment.

A survey has been prepared to solicit public input on the natural hazards that residents are concerned about or have experienced first-hand. Members of the community are invited to complete the Norton Hazard Mitigation Community Survey online, which can be accessed at:


The information provided will help the hazard mitigation planning team better understand local hazard concerns and can lead to mitigation activities that should help lessen the impacts of future disasters.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan will identify and assess Norton's natural hazard risks (such as snow and ice storms, high winds, extreme cold and infectious disease) and determine how best to minimize those risks. At the meeting, participants will learn about the process of developing the Hazard Mitigation Plan and have an opportunity to give feedback regarding natural hazards and their impacts. Meeting participants will have the chance to voice their concerns as well as their ideas for mitigating risks.

The Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will review and approve the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Once approved, the plan will make the Town eligible for funding that may be used to mitigate risks associated with natural hazards.

For questions regarding the project, please contact Irene Nagle at NVDA, inagle@nvda.net or 802-424-1423.

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