Come by to pick up single serving meals!
Help yourself to as many meals as you can use!
This program helps keep restaurants in business, while at the same time providing food for all during these difficult times.
Thursdays 4-6 pm
On the porch at the East Calais General Store
Route 14 North in East Calais Village
Thursday, 1/28/21
Thursday, 2/11/21
Home delivery available to transportation challenged folks. Please
call 456-8141 to make arrangements for home delivery.
These events are hosted by the East Calais Community Trust in
collaboration with Everyone Eats.
East Calais Community Trust is (ECCT) the new owner of the East
Calais store building including the apartments and the store front. Support the ECCT with your financial or energetic contribution! For more info:
or email:
Everyone Eats of Central Vermont provides nutritious meals to
Vermonters that are made by area restaurants and food producers to meet the nutritional needs of our communities during this difficult time and provide a stabilizing source of income for Vermont restaurants, farmers, and food producers. For more info:
Mar 5, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Somatic Practice for Resistance/ResilienceMar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 7 PM
Calais Trails Committee March HikeMar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM