Selectboard Meeting on Jan. 25

Past event
Jan 25, 2021, 5:30 to 9 PM

The packet can be viewed here:

The agenda includes the following:
5:30 PM....Adjustments to the agenda
5:31 PM....Interview Cathy Marshall for appointment to the Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge Oversight Committee, for term ending April 30, 2021
5:45 PM....Second public hearing on proposed amendments to the Charlotte Town Plan
6:00 PM....Public Comment
6:05 PM....Second public hearing on proposed amendments to the Charlotte Land Use Regulations
7:00 PM....Plowing the parking area at the Town parcel on Plouffe Lane
7:10 PM....Job description for Administrative Assistant (P&Z Office/ZBA Clerk); pay-rate; advertise position
7:45 PM....FY22 budget discussion and approval for warning
8:15 PM....Warning for Town Meeting 2021
8:25 PM....Selectboard report for Town Report
8:30 PM....Town Report 2020
8:40 PM....Animal Control Intake Contract with Humane Society for 2021
8:45 PM....Minutes: December 31, January 8, January 11, January 19
8:50 PM....Selectboard updates
8:55 PM....Approve warrants to pay bills
9:00 PM....Adjournment

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