Mayoral Debate

Past event
Jan 21, 2021, 6 PM

The Vermont Institute of Community and International Involvement, the Association of Africans Living in Vermont and the Caroline Fund announce that they will sponsor a Mayoral Debate on January 21st at 6pm.

The debate will take place on Zoom and can be watched live at or on Town Meeting TV (comcast channel 1087 and Burlington Telecom Channel 17.)

Thato Ratsebe, Associate Director and Programs Manager of AALV will welcome the candidates and the public. The participating candidates are, in alphabetical order, City Councilor Ali Dieng, City Council President Max Tracy, Mayor Miro Weinberger, and Patrick White, Mayoral Candidate. Each candidate will make an opening statement and members of the three sponsoring organizations will ask questions. Candidates will also have the opportunity to ask questions of one another.

For further information please contact: Sandy Baird, Caroline Fund at and at 802-355-4968.

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