If you are interested in stregthening the resilience of Rockingham please join the discussion of the film "Flood Bound" on Monday, January 25 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. via Rockingham Library zoom.
"Flood Bound: The Uplifting Story of Pittsfield, VT" is available 24/7 from the Rockingham Library website https://rockinghamlibrary.org/events/flood-bound-the-uplifting-story-of-a-small-town-facing-[...]er/ free of charge. The film is less than an hour long. Please note: This program will not screen the film Flood Bound. Participants are encouraged to watch the film beforehand. As chair of Sustainable Rockingham I will facilitate this discussion.
The film discussion is just one of a series of programs the library is hosting this winter to increase the resilience in our town. We will consider lessons learned from natural disasters such as Tropical Storm Irene and look forward to the preparation for our town's revision of the Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Increasing our ability to bounce back from hard times is much more than doing what we can to reduce the impacts of winter snow and ice, high wind events and flash floods. Building our personal connections, creating a sense of our neighborhoods as a network for mutual aid and celebrations can also be important. And let's not forget growing food and supporting local agriculture to increase our community's food security.
The film "Flood Bound" may give us insight into steps we want to take locally to strengthen the resilience of our community.
To receive an invitation to this zoom discussion, email programming@rockinghamlibrary.org or call the Library (802) 463-4270. Be sure to leave your phone # and email address.
I hope you will join in the film discussion next week.
Thank you for your caring and actions on behalf of all the people of Rockingham.
Laurel Green
Mar 7, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
Functional Play! for Older Adults with Marissa PeckMar 8, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
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