WCUUSD - Washington Central Unified Union School District
Board Meeting Agenda Jan.20.2021 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Link to Board Packet - https://www.wcsu32.org/cms/lib/VT02224924/Centricity/domain/272/packets/2020-2021/WCUUSD%20B[...]pdf
Link to Zoom connection - https://zoom.us/j/98299453728?pwd=YjNkcmk5aVpRRjRSbHhQYUg2WnNIZz09#success
1. Call to Order 4 minutes
2. Executive Session for Negotiations and Personnel Matters 30 minutes
3. Welcome 10 minutes
3.1. Reception of Guests
3.2. Agenda Revisions
4. Reports (Discussion/Action) 90 minutes
4.1. Student Reports 30 minutes
4.2. Superintendent
4.2.1. COVID-19 Update Staff Leave – pg.3
4.2.2. Schools Response to January 6, 2021
4.2.3. Calais Air Ventilation Project update
4.2.4. Berlin Town Center Information – pg. 5
4.2.5. Curriculum Management Review – pg. 11
4.2.6. State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) – pg. 12
4.2.7. Parenting in the time of Covid-19 Update
4.3. Finance Committee (Discussion/Action)
4.3.1. Budget Forum Update 4.3.2. Announced Tuition (Action) – pg. 14
4.4. Education Quality (Discussion) 60 minutes
4.4.1. Presentation of WCUUSD Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP) – pg. 15
5. Board Operations (Discussion/Action) 30 minutes
5.1. Update on Election Considerations
5.2. Diversifying Educator Work Force
6. Consent Agenda (Action) 10 minutes
6.1. Approve Minutes of 1.5.21 and 1.6.21 – pg. 37
6.2. Approve Board Orders
7. Personnel (Action) 10 minutes
7.1. Approve New Teachers, Resignations, Retirements, Leave of Absence and Changes in FTE – pg. 42
8. Public Comments 20 minutes
9. Future Agenda Items
9.1. WCUUSD Name
9.2. Assessment Needs for Building Bright Futures
9.3. Board Retreat
10. Board Reflection
11. Adjourn
Virtual Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 982 9945 3728
Password: 500273
Dial by Your Location: 1- 929- 205- 6099
Open Meeting Law temporary changes as of 3/30/20: Boards are not required to designate a physical meeting location. Board members and staff are not required to be present at a designated meeting location. Our building will not be open for meetings. All are welcome to attend virtually. Berlin East Montpelier Calais Middlesex Worcester U- 32
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